Take It Off Tattoo Removal & Alt Spa

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How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

It’s time we remove the regrets of yesteryear — here’s how tattoo removal works and what to expect.

If you’re looking around online for some tattoo removal information, you’re bound to find a flood of overwhelming information. We know — we’ve seen it. 

Instead, we brought the bright minds together to compile all the information you may need to know about tattoo removal so you can make the most well-informed decision possible about that tattoo you got when you were 19 and madly in love.

Don’t worry; there’s no judgement at Take it Off PDX Tattoo Removal and Alt Spa (unless you identify with any of the groups in our footer, THEN we’re probably not the place for you).

What is Tattoo Removal?

Tattoo removal is the process of removing a tattoo on a body over the course of multiple treatments, depending on many factors like the color, placement, skin condition, skin type, layering, and age of a tattoo. 

There are a few different ways tattoos are removed (see below), but the most common is laser tattoo removal.

While most people think tattoo removal is the laser “erasing” the ink from the skin, the laser is actually breaking the tattoo pigment into smaller pieces, which are then flushed from the body with assistance from the ‘ol immune system. More on that later. 

Are There any Tattoos that Cannot Be Removed?

If you’re using laser tattoo removal, the answer to whether your tattoo can be removed is almost* always yes. Our tattoo removal lasers can blast any and all tattoos, no matter the age, stage, or pigment. The only thing we’ll consider is how long a tattoo will take to remove, which is dependent on the factors we discussed above, while also considering your personal health history, lifestyle, and goals

Some examples:

  • Older people tend to need more space between sessions as their body heals slower. 

  • People who drink and smoke need more sessions because their liver is always going to prioritize detoxing booze and nicotine over processing pigment.

  • Smokers have been shown to require around 50% more sessions of removal. Your circulatory system is in cahoots with your lymphatic system which is what flushes out the pigment, so smokers’ bods are constantly working on flushing out carcinogens.

*Take it Off PDX does not remove eyeliner tattoos, but we’d be happy to refer you to a trusted partner! Contact us for more information. Semi-permanent tattoos (microblading) also carry unique caveats which will be covered in an upcoming blog! Stay tuned for more information.

These are only a few examples of what affects the timeline. To know for sure, schedule a consultation, and let’s fully figure it out. 

How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

According to WebMD, “Lasers remove tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam.”

At Take it Off PDX, we use laser tattoo removal as opposed to more aggressive techniques. These lasers blast the tattoo ink particles that live in the deepest layer of skin with heat, causing the ink particles to shatter.

Then, the immune system gets to work flushing those small particles out of your body, via your sweat, pee, and poop! Badda-bing, Badda-boom! Your tattoo is removed layer by layer, with the layers closest to the top layer of skin being removed first. 

Tattoo removal requires multiple treatments to blast the deepest layers, which can only happen after the skin has healed and the higher layers of tattoo ink are removed.

The laser actually uses smaller continuous waves and pulses, with only brief high temperatures that are activated by a sophisticated technology called Q-switching. These Q-switched blasts only last for nanoseconds, which shatters the ink without damaging the skin.

Technology is magic. 

How much does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?

Straight from our services page

“There’s nothing that irks us more than trying to figure out how much something will be only to find a ‘set up a consultation’ button where prices should be. We believe in upfront pricing. There is no variable of pricing with our different wavelengths/colors of your tattoo. Our laser has three true laser wavelengths and never incurs an extra charge for using any of them.”

How Long is the Tattoo Removal Process?

Ready for this catch-all answer? 

It depends. 

However, the tattoo removal process generally takes 5 - 10 treatments, with a minimum of 8 weeks between treatments. At the soonest, you would see that 90s barbed wire armband fade in about 7-and-a-half months IF it’s a relatively fresh tattoo (let’s be honest, it’s probably not super fresh if you’re coming in to get it removed).

Also note that if you just got tattooed and HATE it, we can definitely remove it. But we need to wait 12 weeks for your skin to fully heal before we introduce more trauma to your beautiful skin!

But here is the most important note: everyone is different, and they will have different reactions to the treatment. Tattoos have every color of the rainbow and every color in between. They have varying ages and strengths. The best way to know how long treatment will take is to come on in and have a free consultation with us.

What are the different types of Tattoo Removal?

  • Laser

    • By far the most effective technique for removing tattoo ink, laser tattoo removal safely removes all tattoo types and colors with very little (if no) scarring. At Take it Off Tattoo Removal and Alt Spa in Portland, this is the method we use because it’s the only method we’d want to use (and do use!) on our own bodies. Learn more about our laser here. 

  • Salabrasion & Dermabrasion

    • Salabrasion (salt-based) and Dermabrasion (mechanical) are both methods that scrub your tattoo using coarse materials. These methods are very lightly used, as they are extremely painful and can cause some long-term damage to the surface of your skin (or epidermis, for those technical friends out there).

    • However, there is a very specific time and place for salabrasion, more on that in a future post!

  • Excision Surgery

    • Excision surgery is the surgical removal of a tattoo, which sometimes requires skin grafts to heal the tattoo removal area. Outside of being a surgical procedure, excision also leaves a pretty significant scar on the former tattoo area. 

There have been other methods touted as DIY or at-home tattoo removal, none of which we’d recommend or even give space on our blog. These are generally very dangerous and harmful to your skin and body as a whole, all while being very ineffective. Please consult with professionals about tattoo removal. 

Don’t forget there is another option: cover-up tattoos! With smaller tattoos (even larger ones, with the right artist), you can always get a design to tattoo over your older tattoo. Many — maaaany — of our clients are looking to lighten up their existing tattoos to do just that!

Often you’ll just need a few sessions of removal to take a fully saturated piece to where it is easily covered. You can visit our friends at Pink Panther Tattoo PDX to learn more about coverup or blastover projects, and rest assured they’re well versed in the process of removal/coverups, they have all received tattoo removal with us! 

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Dangerous? 

Today’s day in age, there are very few tattoo removal dangers when you work with a licensed, experienced professional like our staff at Take It Off PDX. 

Clients may experience some, all, or none of the following side effects of tattoo removal:

It’s important to note that every potential side effect is temporary! For example, your tattoo removal site sometimes blisters in the first 24-hours after treatment, which is just a sign that your immune system is working. For our clients with darker skin tones, we have developed a pre-care protocol to help safeguard them from pigmentary issues, as well as utilizing proper settings during sessions - your skin is safe with us!

Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to bring them up during your virtual or in-person consultation prior to your tattoo removal or send us a message and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also find a ton of information on our tattoo removal FAQs page!

What Should I Expect at my First Tattoo Removal Appointment?

If you’re getting ready to come in for your first tattoo removal appointment, that means we’ve already gone through the consultation process, and we’ve developed a removal plan for you. Then, we’ll:

  1. Check to make sure you haven’t had any medical changes since our tattoo removal consultation (new medications, fresh ‘tox or filler from RBF, if you’re newly pregnant or could be pregnant or any procedures)

  2. Cleanse your skin, take “before” photos, and prepare your tattooed area for the removal process

  3. Use a Zimmer to cool down your treatment area

  4. Conduct a test laser pulse on your tattoo to make sure we’re dialed in for the first treatment

  5. Given step four goes perfectly, we’ll get to work on the rest of the tattoo

We wrote a whole blog post about this process! Check it out here: What to Expect at Your First Tattoo Removal Appointment!

These are the most common questions we get about tattoo removal, but there are always more!

Visit our Tattoo Removal FAQs page for more information, or book a consultation and get all of your questions answered in real-time! We offer both Virtual and In-Person consultations. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!