Summer-Safe Treatments!

An arm with a sunshine icon created with sunscreen

Summer-Safe Skin!

Hey, beauties! UV rays are something we need to be mindful of all the time, especially in the summer months. 

In the summer we’re exposed even more than usual to those pesky rays, increasing our risk of skin cancer & premature aging.

While you can still move forward with Tattoo Removal, Laser Hair Removal, Microneedling, and your other fav sensitizing treatments, we have several options that won’t increase your sun sensitivity or compromise your results at all!

So, we've rounded up the hottest "Summer Safe" esthetic treatments to keep you glowing all season long. Let's dive in!

Summer Safe Esthetic Treatments

ClearLift Laser Facial: Known as the “Lunchtime Facelift,” ClearLift Laser Facelift is one of the most comprehensive facial treatments on the market.  It treats a variety of age-related skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and the loss of collagen. ClearLift is also safe for delicate skin parts, such as your neck and décolleté.

Me Time Custom Facial: Because one size does NOT fit all when it comes to skincare! Facial massage, double cleanse, appropriate exfoliating treatment, hydrating mask, custom serums, moisturizer & SPF. (If this is your first time seeing us, please book the “Getting to know each other” facial - it’s the Me Time facial with an extra 15 minutes for an in depth consultation and analysis!)

Dermaplaning: Dermaplaning leaves your skin feeling baby-soft! This exfoliating treatment removes vellus (peach fuzz) hair while also exfoliating the top layer of your skin. Serums penetrate better, makeup applies flawlessly. You deserve it, baby!

Fancy Pants: This facial will make you GLOW! Liquid microdermabrasion followed by a glowy af chemical peel cocktail will leave your skin looking smooth, radiant, and glowy while its exfoliation will also make your skin soft and supple. This is a year-round chemical peel and is amazing for pre-events (weddings, reunions, parties!). No downtime, just glowing ♥️

Zom-bae: Say buh-bye to lackluster skin! Our Zom-Bae facial includes a double cleanse, enzyme wash, and contouring argireline treatment, finished off with hydrojelly mask. Argireline is one of the main ingredients in Botox, and it helps prevent muscle movement that leads to wrinkle formation. It also promotes collagen production and optimizes the function of collagen which fights fine lines and helps allocate moisturizer levels in the skin

So, whether you're prepping for a tropical getaway or simply want a gorgeous glow at every backyard barbecue, our Summer Safe esthetic treatments have you covered. Embrace the season with confidence and radiance—because you deserve to shine like the sun!

Ready to book something gentle and Sun-Safe?

Click Here to get on our books for the summer!

Cheers to sunshine, spf and stunning skin!